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Print method for S3-objects of class "checkglobalsg" characteristic to the "globals" list element of "checkglobals" objects returned by checkglobals, check_pkg or check_source.


# S3 method for checkglobalsg
print(x, format = "basic", pattern, ...)



object inheriting from class "checkglobalsg".


character, one of the following two choices:

  • "basic", (default) prints only the name and source code location of the detected globals.

  • "detail", prints the name and location of the detected globals, as well as the lines in the source code file comprising the detected globals. The maximum number of lines printed per source code reference can be specified using maxLines.


an optional regular expression. Only names matching pattern are returned. glob2rx can be used to convert wildcard patterns to regular expressions.


additional arguments to configure the printed output. The following arguments can be specified:

  • all.names, a logical value. If TRUE, all object names are returned. If FALSE, names which begin with a . are omitted. Defaults to TRUE.

  • maxRef, the maximum number of printed source code references per detected global/import. Defaults to 1.

  • maxLines, the maximum number of printed lines per source code reference, only used if format = "detail". Defaults to 5.

  • use_cli, a logical value indicating if cli should be used to format the printed output. Defaults to TRUE, which means that cli-formatting is attempted if cli is installed.

  • maxWidth, the maximum column width of the printed output. If cli is installed, the default width is determined by cli::console_width(). If cli is not installed, getOption("width") is checked. If getOption("width") is undefined, the column width defaults to 80.


Returns the object x

invisibly (via invisible)


## R-package from folder
chk <- checkglobals(
  pkg = system.file(
    "unit_tests", "pkg", "testpkg",
    package = "checkglobals"
#> ── Unrecognized global functions or variables ──────────────────────────────────
#>  <name> <location>
#>  g      aaa.R#2 and 12 more...

## print globals with references to source code
print(chk$globals, format = "detail", maxRef = 99)
#> ── Unrecognized global functions or variables ──────────────────────────────────
#>  <name> <location>
#>  g      aaa.R#2 and 12 more...
#> ── Global source code references ───────────────────────────────────────────────
#>g at aaa.R#2:
#>     2: utils::globalVariables(g)
#>   g at functions1.R#5:
#>     5: ff1(g + y)
#>   g at functions1.R#23:
#>     23: requireNamespace(g)
#>   g at functions1.R#79:
#>     79: g
#>   g at functions1.R#83:
#>     83: = list(y), what = "g")
#>   g at functions1.R#84:
#>     84: lapply(FUN = "g", 1, n = 1)
#>   g at functions1.R#85:
#>     85: lapply(X = 1, "g")
#>   g at functions1.R#86:
#>     86: Map("g", 1, n = 1)
#>   g at functions1.R#87:
#>     87: stats::aggregate(x ~ ., data = y, FUN = "g")
#>   g at functions1.R#88:
#>     88: pvec(1, "g")
#>   g at functions1.R#90:
#>     90: parallel::pvec(mc.cores = 1L, 1, "g")
#>   g at functions1.R#107:
#>     107: g(1, y)
#>   g at functions1.R#114:
#>     114: g

## print without cli-formatting
print(chk$globals, use_cli = FALSE)
#> ── Unrecognized global functions or variables ──────────────────────────────────
#>  <name> <location>
#>  g      aaa.R#2 and 12 more...